These Two Terrorists Walk Into An Airport...
Some drunk businessman mentions the word bomb on an aircraft, and doesn’t get away with it.
[Read more →]Some drunk businessman mentions the word bomb on an aircraft, and doesn’t get away with it.
[Read more →]The legendary Australian bone-dry sense of humour is brilliantly illustrated in the Herald today. A character calling himself Richard Magoffin managed to convince a reporter that there was a story in repeating the old nonsense about American influences destroying our language and, yes, even our culture.
[Read more →]I read on mnot’s blog that neo-con comedian (neo-concom?) Dennis Miller entertained the troops at the JavaOne conference. The point was made that business and politics do not mix.
[Read more →]Garth complains that the recently-released iTunes 4.9 is not “quite as friendly a way as I’d have liked to introduce Grandma to the future of radio.” Err, huh? Exactly how much easier could it get?
Americans confusing Australia for Austria is a joke that just never gets old. As it turns out, now you can get the same laffs online, without even meeting an American!
[Read more →]Jon Udell’s recent column entitled The Tacit Dimension of Tech Support rings true for me.
[Read more →]Setting yourself up so that you can access your home network using a domain name rather than an IP address is one of those little luxuries you’ll come to wonder how you ever managed without, once you have it.
I’ve been doing this for a while now in various different forms, but I like my current setup the best. You may not. I report, you decide.
[Read more →]Once again I get some comment on this blog and spend a portion of my life trying to work out if it’s spam or not. I came to the conclusion that this time it actually wasn’t spam. Anyway judge for yourself.
[Read more →]So our illustrious environment minister Ian Campbell is saving the whales. It’s hard to argue with the intent here, but some of the words being used by him (and others) just makes me cringe. I have an intense dislike for terms such as “majestic animals” and “great apes of the sea” being used as a justification for public policy decisions. The implication of course is that we should only care about the pretty animals and all the ugly ones can go and get stuffed. Or get a boob job. Or something.
[Read more →]New toy at Chez Girtby: A Linksys WRT54GS. Running the OpenWRT linux distribution. Can your router do this?
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