Not The First, But The Best
Even before the latest version of Google Talk was released, it was already the best Instant Messaging service in the world. Here’s why.
Even before the latest version of Google Talk was released, it was already the best Instant Messaging service in the world. Here’s why.
In general I find it a lot easier to put my data somewhere that I know I will be able to get it out again. This applies especially for web applications hosted by third-parties, where export facilities are a must before I’ll even look at it, but I believe it is generally a good practice.
[Read more →]“Everyone should have a project,” says Julieanne Kost in a recent podcast.
[Read more →]So all the chaos with the Typo migration seems to have settled down. I’ve upgraded to the latest 4.0.2 release with all security patches applied. I’ve also fixed up some of the old RSS URLs, so hopefully the 10 Bloglines users who are currently seeing a red exclamation mark next to their subscription will start to get some updates soon.
[Read more →]If you are subscribed to the comments feed I apologise for the recent influx of spam. I upgraded to the latest Typo last night and something has obviously gone wrong. Could be due to PEBKAC, admittedly. I’ll try to keep control of it manually until I find out what’s going on. Thanks to Aristotle for the heads up.
[Read more →]Watching a recent ABC news report on Hiroshima Day ceremonies, I’m mildly irritated at the way that such an occasion can be co-opted. I guess it depends on what lessons you learn from the Hiroshima bombings.
[Read more →]So I’m reading the Linux Shadow Password HOWTO document and come across the following:
[Read more →]So if you happened to have made it to the end of my Phoney Internet post, and then glanced at another post entitled A Tale of Two ISPs (OK, a fairly unlikely occurrence) you might have perceived an inconsistency in my position. Because I am single-minded in my devotion to quality content for you, dear reader, I must now address this potentially glaring inconsistency.
[Read more →]Welcome to the new, same as the old, but now 100% Web 2.0 compliant.
[Read more →]This post started as a review of the latest operating system revision from Apple, known as Tiger. Languishing in my to-blog pile for too long, I’ve decided to repurpose it as a retrospective, just in time for next month’s WWDC when Tiger’s replacement is expected to be announced.
[Read more →]Powered by Jekyll using an adaptation of the wordpress DePo Clean Theme