Best of 2004
This is a collection of stuff that I liked from 2004, prefixed with “best (some vaguely related category)”. But really, is a justification needed? I say not. Here we go.
[Read more →]This is a collection of stuff that I liked from 2004, prefixed with “best (some vaguely related category)”. But really, is a justification needed? I say not. Here we go.
[Read more →]Although I’ve almost entirely switched across to the PowerBook for most Serious Computing Tasks, I still keep a WinBox about the place for two very important pasttimes: gaming, and tinkering with hardware. These activities are not unrelated…
This is Steam. It’s the game distribution system that Valve are using for Half-Life 2 and others.
Time Magazine are hereby nominated for the catachresis of the year 2004:
I feel obliged to blog this. I’ve been meaning to explain to my non-Australian readers (assuming there are any, other than spambots) as to why I picked as a domain name. Recent events have finally prompted me to do it.
[Read more →]I really like UNIX sometimes. My home FreeBSD box has a dying hard drive. It started reporting ominous READ_DMA log entries in the daily emails it sends me (what, your operating system doesn’t send you email?). I stupidly ignored these, and a few days later found that it wasn’t booting. Attach a monitor to it, I see that it has detected disk errors and helpfully dropped into single-user mode for me to fix.
[Read more →]Way back when I started this humble web-log I had intended to write down exactly why I bothered to set it up. The reasons for documenting the answer to the “why bother?” question are pretty similar to the reasons for setting up the blog in the first place, namely: for my own amusement.
[Read more →]I’ve just installed the AuthImage anti-spam plugin for Wordpress. Seems to work a treat. This should cut down on the amount of comment spam I recieve (it was getting pretty annoying). I was hoping it wasn’t going to come to this, but it did.
[Read more →]Powered by Jekyll using an adaptation of the wordpress DePo Clean Theme