Girt by Themes
Thanks to the wonders of wordpress themes, you can now steal other people’s work really easily!
[Read more →]Thanks to the wonders of wordpress themes, you can now steal other people’s work really easily!
[Read more →]It was the best possible outcome for me, and possibly for the NSW criminal justice system. I reported for jury duty today, but was not selected.
[Read more →]Here’s a fun way to pass the time. If you like discussing the intimate details of character encodings, that is. Or reverse engineering various Microsoft products to see how broken they are.
If you don’t think this is fun, then please just take my advice and move on. Don’t use the Wingdings for anything. If you’re a developer, embrace Unicode. That’s it. Nerds, read on…
[Read more →]Michael over at cruftbox asks where did your domainname come from? He proposes to track answers to this question using a technorati tags. Well this was an opportunity to play around with webware that just couldn’t be passed up.
[Read more →]It’s not often The Economist disappoints, but a recent article on Neo-Cons was pretty underwhelming.
[Read more →]Public battles between newspaper columnists are often fun to watch. More fun than watching bloggers fire salvos at each other because, well the audience is bigger. But a battle with both bloggers and columnists involved? How much fun is that?
[Read more →]Some time ago I wrote briefly about my decision to (partly) anonymise myself for this blog. Over the years I’ve played on both sides of the field. Reflecting on this experience and the experiences of others, I’m more and more convinced that anonymity is the right decision for me, but also that it’s harder than you might expect.
[Read more →]Via crikey, check out Ross Gittins stickin’ it to The Man last month, demolishing Treasurer Costello’s industrial relations reform policies:
Via motoringfile comes news of the latest accessory for your MINI: the official MINI transformer robot toy. Unfortunately it doesn’t transform, darnit.
Do I have it in for the Australian Broadcast Authority? Yes and no, read on…
[Read more →]Powered by Jekyll using an adaptation of the wordpress DePo Clean Theme